The dirt road was winding through trees. Each time the SUV hit one of the many ruts; the entire truck would shudder violently. Several times she thought that it might not be worth the effort. Carrie said, “She is probably a fake to begin with. There is no way she could do the things the stories claimed.”

Just then the truck lurched violently once more as she hit a rut in the road, the wheel slipped through her fingers as the truck headed for one of the many trees. Somehow, she regained control and pulled the truck back on course.

People traveled the treacherous road to visit the “China Doll Mistress” for many reasons. Most went for Tarot readings, or to have their palms read. Others went for more nefarious reasons. The latter was why Carrie risked life and limb to make her way down the horrible dirt road. She had no need for a palm reader. She already knew her future, or at least she hoped she did.

Like any rumor, story, or legend, whichever you choose to call it, none of it could be true, but she hoped more than anything that the Mistress could do the things she wanted . Every since she was a teenager, Carrie had fantasies of being held captive and immobile. Carrie had often found men and women to do just that, but it always left her unsatisfied. It was never enough. She wanted her immobilizing to be more permanent. She had looked for someone to cut the right place in her spinal cord so that she would forever be paralyzed, but it was impossible to find someone that would love and take care of her in such a condition.

At last, she came to an open field and the dirt road ended. Nervously she stopped at the small frame house and opened the truck's door. Carrie wasn’t sure if she was more afraid of what might happen to her, or what might not happen. Too many times she had been disappointed. The person on the Internet that had told her of the mistress swore the stories were true. Even if she made a fool of herself, she was going to go through with telling the woman what she desired most in life. That was a secret she had shared with only the invisible people that sat hidden by words in Internet chat rooms.

Carrie knocked nervously on the door and waited impatiently for some sign of life on the other side. She knocked once more and a woman’s muffled voice said, “Come in, I’ll be with you shortly.”

The nervous girl entered the house and closed the door. She turned and leaned into to the door, her legs wanting to flee the horror she was facing. It took all her courage to leave the comfort of the door and sit on the couch. There she found a notebook and her nervous hands needed something to hold. She picked up the notebook and began to leaf through it. Carrie didn’t understand much of what was in the notebook since it was filled with scientific formulas. She did see something that gave her hope that she was in the right place and that at least some of the stories were true. She read aloud, “It takes 24 hours for the China effect to fully evolve.” The rest was just technical jargon she could have cared less about.

She waited and waited, but no one came. Carrie wanted for something to happen if it was only to be run away disappointed as she had been in the past. The waiting was murderous. The thoughts of what she was doing made her excited and she began to rub her legs together trying to gain some relief from the growing need in her groin. With the book out of mind, she propped a leg on the couch and was about to begin rubbing her mound when someone came into the room. It was the China Doll Mistress.

Embarrassed, Carrie planted both feet on the floor, stood, offered a nervous hand, and said, “I’m Carrie Woods.”

Instead of taking her hand, the mistress touched the cheek of the girl sensuously with her fingertips and said, “You are pretty, I could use you in my collection.”

Carried said excitedly, “So its true.”

The woman with bright red hair asked with a sly smile, “Just what have you heard, my dear?”

“That you can turn people into dolls, “she replied hopefully.

“You wish to add to my collection?” The mistress asked.

“Yes, more than anything.”

The woman said, “Then lets get you prepared. You won’t be needing that purse. You can leave it on the shelf over there.”

Carrie stood looking through her purse for the last time. Looking at the familiar items such as driver’s license, makeup, used tissues, and other unimportant things, all reminded her of the finality of the decision. She would never see those items again. Even more important, she would never have a need for them. Her life as she knew it was about to be over.

With no fanfare or long explanations, the China Doll Mistress said, “You may remove your clothes, now. Just leave them on the floor. If they won’t fit me, I’ll donate them to charity. Your clothes are a bit drab. I doubt I will want them anyway. Your new clothes will be much more interesting.”

The woman snapped a photo of the girl as she stripped off her clothes. Carrie wondered why she took her photo, but she would find out later that the mistress kept photos of all her collections. As soon her clothes were off, she was led into a room and for the first time saw the dolls. That was the defining moment. The instant her mind couldn't deny that the stories were true and she was about to become one of those dolls.

The girl asked, “What is it like to be a doll?

The Doll Mistress laughed and replied, “How would I know? Maybe I should find a way to have a doll talk so that I can find out.”

Carrie looked on the far wall and saw photos. She glanced at the photos and then to the dolls. It was hard to decide which picture belonged to which doll, except in one case. There was a picture of two girls along with another photo of two dolls. The Doll Mistress noticed her looking at the photos and said, “Those were two lovers that came to see me together. They were unsure if they wanted the transformation, but by the time they had thought about it and ready to back out, I had given the injection. Once the consent form is signed there is no turning back. These dolls are very valuable.”

Carried took a step back in shock, and asked, “You sell the dolls?”

“Occasionally, but I keep most of them for my own pleasure,” the Doll Mistress said. “Its none of your concern what I do with my property.”

Property , Carrie turned the word over in her mind, tearing it apart. It echoed into infinity. The thought that she would become mere property made her wet once more. She had been owned in the past by dommes and doms, but she always had the ability to leave at any time so she wasn’t truly property. After this day she would forever be property

The Doll Mistress picked up a needle and syringe and began filling it with a bright red liquid. She swab an area in the hollow of her elbow, and said, “There is some pain to the process.”

It wasn’t a question. It wasn’t an opportunity to back out. It was just a matter of fact. The red liquid began to flow into her arm and it burned only a little. The Doll Mistress said, “Tomorrow the transformation will be complete, if you live through the process.”

“What?” Carrie asked in shock and dismay. “You never mentioned that it could be fatal.”

The Doll Mistress laughed and said, “I didn’t tell you a lot. If you want to survive this then you will do exactly as I say.”

The girl chagrined, but didn't protest as the mistress began to wrap her body in plastic wrap. Her arms were soon pinned to her side by the plastic wrap. The mistress then slipped a blindfold over her eyes and said, “This is to protect your eyes from any light. Several dolls went blinded before I discovered what was happening.”

Any chance to back out had long passed. Carrie dropped to her knees as the pain gripped her. It was unlike any pain she had ever experienced, or could have imagined. She heard the footsteps of the Doll Mistress as she left the room. She heard the click of the switch as the lights went off.

Time began to drag along at a snail’s pace for the young girl. The pain was excruciating and her skin felt as if it was on fire. At that moment if she had the chance to back out, she would have done so with no regret. If there had been a hint that the pain would be so intent, she wouldn't have ever made long drive down the rutted drive.

Somewhere in the darkness of pain Carrie began to feel something akin to arousal. She wondered how that was possible when she was hurting so badly. Her nipples began to ache, as did her burning pussy. As the orgasm began its slow climb to its crescendo, her skin began to feel as if it were being stretched tightly over her well-shaped body.

If there had been anyone within a mile of the small house they would have heard her screams as she orgasmed like never before as the pain reached a new high. Just as the tide of her orgasm and the pain subsided, she passed out.

When Carrie awakened she winced at the bright lights. She tried to squint her eyes against the light, but that seemed to have no effect. Instinctively she tried to raise a hand to protect her eyes, but her arm remained frozen in place.

The girl wasn’t sure what had happened to her. She was standing high above the floor. She tried to take a step to get a better view, but her feet were transfixed in place. Carrie’s mind began to register what had happened to her. The treatment had worked. She was now a China doll. It seemed impossible, but it was surely true.

She looked to her right and saw the row of dolls beside her. She was leaning in a corner to the right so she had a good view of the other dolls. For the first time, Carrie began to notice the doll’s clothes, hair, and makeup. Carrie wondered if her clothes and makeup was similar to the others.

At that moment she heard a familiar voice, “I see my little lovelies are awake.”

Carrie wondered how she could tell since the dolls, or at least her own, eyes didn't move. She shrugged it off and began to wonder what it was like to spend a day as a China doll. The mistress came over and took Carrie into her huge hand. She lifted the doll’s black lace skirt, looked under it, and said, “Let's see what you look like now that you have had time to cure properly

The China Doll Mistress smiled and said, “Ahh yes, your pussy looks nicely done. Let's see if you have any feeling left in it.”

The woman began to lick the doll’s pussy and Carrie was surprised to find that she felt it. The sensation wasn’t much different from when she was a human. She felt the familiar approach of an orgasm as her breasts began to tingle deliciously. Before the orgasm could arrive, the mistress stop licking and dropped the skirt tail. Carrie wanted to cram her fingers into her pussy to finish the job the mistress had started, but she couldn’t… to her dismay.

The doll mistress kissed her and said, “Sweetie, you are the new girl on the block. It’s going to take time. You will have to earn the right for my special attention.”

With that, she was put back in the corner and the doll with long pigtails was brought forward and the mistress asked, “Was my precious girl getting jealous of the new doll?” She asked with concern.

She then laughed, scowled at the doll, and said, “You are such a jealous bitch. I might take the new doll to my bedroom tonight after the show.

Carrie wondered what was meant by the mistress’ mention of the show. She soon found out as the dolls
were all laid carefully in a padded case. The lid was closed and she lay there in the darkness, unsure of what was to happen. Then she thought of something that had been said the day before. The mistress had talked about occasionally selling a doll.

In the darkness time had no meaning. Her life no longer had meaning. She was the property of the Doll Mistress. The only freewill she had left was sleep. She seemed to sleep pretty often, which might be a good thing since boredom would eventually drive anyone insane.

Carrie awakened to find herself on a shelf almost identical to the one she had been on at the house. People strolled by as the Doll Mistress stood proudly by as people stopped and stared at the unique dolls. At first, Carrie was self-conscious, as if the people might discover that she was alive and not like the other dolls at the show.

Occasionally, people would stop and ask the mistress if they could hold one of the dolls. When one of the strangers first held Carrie, she was extremely nervous since the mistress had warned her that she was extremely breakable and would die if dropped. She then learned the pleasures of being fondled by the many strangers that held her.

They would rub their fingertips slowly and carefully over the anatomically correct dolls. Some people blushed when they lifted the doll’s skirt to see a perfect porcelain vagina. If they had only known that Carrie had orgasmed a dozen times that day as men and women fondled her. Almost no one commented on the miniscule drop of fluid that leaked from the doll's pussy.

The show had been one of the most extraordinary events of Carrie’s life. When Carrie had f first awakened she had apprehensions about the change into a doll. After the show she accepted the situation and came to love her life as a doll. The Doll Mistress made sure she orgasmed regularly and most nights she took one of the dolls to bed with her for a very special night. Some things should be left to the imagination, like those nights.

The end

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